RBI Grade B Admit Card 2023: The RBI Grade B Admit Card 2023 serves as the entry ticket for individuals participating in the RBI Grade B Exam. This essential document includes vital details such as examination dates, timings, and venue information. As evidence of their eligibility, candidates must download and bring the admit card to the exam location. The RBI will make the admit card available on its official website – https://ibpsonline.ibps.in/ & https://rbi.org.in. Candidates are advised to verify its accuracy and strictly adhere to the instructions mentioned on the admit card to avoid any complications during the exam.
RBI Grade B Admit Card 2023
The RBI will release the RBI Grade B Admit Card on its official website a few days prior to the RBI Grade B 2023 examination. Candidates can directly download the call letter for the RBI Grade B exam from the RBI website. To retrieve the RBI Grade B Admit Card 2023, applicants will need to provide their registration number, roll number, date of birth, and password, which were generated during the completion of the RBI Grade B application form.
The RBI Grade B Admit Card 2023 is anticipated to be announced by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) towards the end of June 2023. It should be noted that the specific date and time for the release of the admit card have not been officially declared by the RBI yet. However, candidates are optimistic about receiving their respective admit cards soon through the official website provided by the RBI, which is mentioned below. To obtain the admit card, candidates are required to log in to the website and complete the necessary procedures. They will need to provide valid credentials such as their hall ticket number, name, date of birth, and other essential details.
The RBI has a total of 291 open positions in Grade B general, DEPR, and DSIM categories. Applicants who have applied for these vacancies can easily obtain their hall tickets by using the provided direct links without any difficulty. Regarding the RBI Grade 1 Examination 2023, it is scheduled to take place on 9th July 2023 for General positions. As for DEPR and DSIM positions, the RBI has set the examination date as 16th July 2023. Therefore, all candidates can acquire their admit cards by simply logging into the website.
Hall Ticket Card | RBI Grade B Admit Card 2023 |
Organization name | (RBI)Reserve Bank of India |
Vacancies | 291 |
Exam Date | 9 July 2023 |
Exam Mode | CBT |
Phase 1 Exam Duration | 2 hour |
Expected Admit Card Date | Last Week June 2023 |
Official Website | rbi.org.in |
According to the official notification on the RBI website for RBI Grade B 2023, the Preliminary examination is scheduled to take place on July 9, 2023. Subsequently, the RBI Grade B Main examination will be conducted on July 30, 2023. A few days prior to the examination, candidates will be able to obtain their RBI Grade B admit card from the official website of the organization.
The RBI Grade B 2023 examination has been scheduled on July 9th and 16th, 2023, specifically for General (DR) posts. The main objective of this exam is to fill 291 Officer positions. The admit card or call letter for the RBI Grade B 2023 Prelims (Phase-1) exam will be issued separately for the positions of Officers in Grade-B DR (General) and Grade-B DR (DEPR/DSIM). Candidates are advised to download their RBI Grade B Admit Card (Call Letter) well in advance of the examination date for the RBI Grade B 2023 Phase 1 Exam. It is crucial for them to carefully review the information provided on the call letter or admit card.
How to download step-by-step RBI Grade Admit Card 2023?
To obtain the RBI Grade B admit card for 2023, candidates are required to have their login credentials. The steps to download the RBI Call Letter are outlined below.
1. Go to the website of RBI at rbi.org.in.
2. Navigate through the website and locate the link to download the RBI Grade B admit card. Look for the link related to the advertisement for the RBI Grade B 2023 examination.
3. Click on the provided link and enter the necessary information, such as your roll number and registration ID.
4. Once the process is completed, candidates can generate a printout of their Phase I admit card for the RBI Grade B 2023 exam on an A4-sized paper.
Link to RBI Grade B Admit Card 2023 for Phase 1
To discover eligible candidates, the Reserve Bank of India has released a detailed RBI Grade B Notification. Applicants are required to visit the official website at rbi.org.in and access the RBI Admit Card Links. By clicking on the provided link, candidates can easily download their admit cards.
The Phase 1 Exam is scheduled for July 9, moreover by the Phase 2 Exam on July 30. The RBI Hall ticket links will be activated prior to the examination. Candidates have the option to apply for the position at rbi.org.in, even if they have not registered for the RBI Grade B 2023 Exam yet.
Detailed Information Mentioned On RBI Grade B Hall Ticket 2023
The RBI Grade B Call Letter 2023 will encompass significant details regarding the examination and the candidate. It will include essential information such as:
1. Candidate’s Name
2. Exam Date and Time
3. Exam Venue
4. Roll/Registration Number
5. Photograph and Signature
6. Instructions
7. Reporting Time
8. ID Proof Requirements
9. Contact Information
10. Exam Duration
Items to Carry in exam hall with RBI Admit Card 2023?
To gain entry to the examination, candidates must possess the appropriate RBI Phase 1 admit card and a valid ID proof. Along with the RBI Grade B admit card, the following documents must be presented:
1. Valid photo identification documents, such as a driver’s license, passport, Aadhaar card, or voter identification.
2. A colored passport-size photograph that corresponds to the image provided during the application submission process.
RBI Phase1 Grade B Call Letter Exam Pattern 2023
The RBI Phase 1 exam will feature bilingual questions in both English and Hindi. A grand total of 200 questions will be present in the examination, with each question carrying a value of one mark. Therefore, the maximum score for the Phase 1 Exam will be 200 marks. Candidates will have a time limit of 2 hours to answer all the questions in the RBI Phase 1 exam. It is important to note that there is a provision for Negative Marking in the initial round of selection for the RBI Grade B exam. Each incorrect attempt will result in a deduction of 0.25 marks.
The Reserve Bank of India is preparing to conduct an examination to fill a total of 291 vacant positions. In order to enable candidates to enter the examination hall and participate in the exams, the RBI Grade B Admit Card 2023 is expected to be released towards the end of June 2023. Successful candidates who secure these positions can pave the way for a promising career. It is important to note that candidates can obtain their admit cards by logging into the official website using their credentials. In our previous article, we have covered various essential details regarding the admit card and the examination. We encourage you to read through it to stay well-informed. You may also consider bookmarking the page to ensure you don’t miss any future updates.